For ten years, John and Angie Walker and Tommy and Karen Marr have worked to provide a wonderful holiday luncheon for the residents of Trevecca Towers on the campus of Trevecca Nazarene University.  As their children became scouts in Troop 4, the families included Troop 4 in their ministry to the disabled and/or elderly residents.  Troop 4 has participated for four years in this wonderful opportunity to serve others.

Troop 4 Scouts, leaders, and parents worked with the families to serve a delicious spaghetti lunch to the residents. The families generously provided the food and drink, and Troop 4 scouts brought desserts along with willing hands and cheerful hearts to spend some time in fellowship with the residents.  Mrs. Marr and Mrs. Walker cooked a delicious spaghetti lunch!  Many compliments were paid to the chefs for the great taste of the food.

Mrs. Denise Stewart provided a card and a cute candy cane decoration with a red felt mouse on one end, for all in attendance. She and her daughter, Ann Marie, made the ornaments. Eagle Scout, Anthony Stewart, attended and participated in the fun, handing out Christmas cards. The residents were thrilled to receive the ornament and the Christmas card.

The Scouts were excellent hosts and were attentive to the residents.  They served food and drinks, and assisted those who were unable to go through the buffet line on their own.  After the residents finished their meal and departed, the Troop 4 group sat down and enjoyed the meal, too. Cleanup was a breeze as “many hands make for light work.”  We all enjoyed listening to holiday music and chatting with the wonderful staff and residents of Trevecca Towers. 

I think we’ll all look forward to participating in this worthy endeavor again next year!