Events Calendar

Wilderness First Aid Training
From Saturday, February 29, 2020 -  08:00am
To Sunday, March 01, 2020 - 03:00pm
Hits : 220

Latimer Reservation is proud to offer to Scouts (age 14+) and adults the opportunity to complete the Wilderness First Aid Training.  This training is required of each unit participating in any of the national high adventure programs of the BSA.  This training will be conducted by Bob, Janet and Katie Sherrouse, certified instructors.


The cost of the training is $140.00 per person. CPR/AED certification is now a part of this particular class at no additional cost.  The $140.00 fee includes instructional materials, food and lodging in climate-controlled cabins.  You will need to bring linens for a twin bed or sleeping bag, pillow, towel/wash cloth, toiletries, clothing (check the weather, it can be tricky this time of year on the plateau), and pen/paper.  We will provide you with everything else you should need.

Click here for more information and to register for this event

Last day to register:  2/21/2020 @ 11:55 PM

Location Latimer Scout Reservation, 334 Plantation Rd, Spencer, TN 38585